Thursday, October 18, 2012

Purple Earl

By Earl
Ahoy there, Fashion Friends! One of the things that kept Petunia and I so busy in August and September was the fact that we were spending as much time outdoors as humanly possible! We're not newborns anymore, so we know that in a few months it will be nothing but rain, rain, rain, all the time! One must enjoy the simple pleasures in life when one can. On this day, those simple pleasures included stopping to smell the neighbor's flowers, which climbed the fence into our yard. How kind of them! 

I didn't just look at and smell the flowers; I touched the flowers, tore the flowers, and even attempted to taste the flowers. Use all your senses, kids! How else are you going to learn about the world?

Hat: Old Navy
Shirt: Carter's (gift from Grandparents)
Shorts: Carter's 
(gift from Grandparents)

Outfit Name: Chomp, Chomp
Petunia's Fashion Rating: 9/10
Earl's Fashion Rating: 10/10


About Earl

Earl enjoys "traditional" styles, and prefers a classic, vintage look when dressing up. His everyday wear is best described as "uber casual".

About Petunia

Petunia is a daring dresser who does her best to keep up with all the latest fashion trends. Among her favorite designers are Vintage Couture, Tea Collection, Gymboree, and Zutano.

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