Tuesday, June 5, 2012

What We Wore to the Tulip Festival

By Earl
I'm baaaaack! And this week has been incredible! Since I've learned how to climb out of my crib - it's like I never have to nap again.  I had no idea how many toys were in my room until I was able to explore them all uninhibited.  You guys...it's amazing!  But you make one little mistake going over the edge and - bang - black eye.  It's not that I'm vain and don't want to post that all over the internet, except that I am.  A little.  Blame it on being a baby.

 But time heals, and trendy outfits ask for forgiveness for sins of vanity.  So here's some amazing outfits that Petunia and I rocked at this year's Tulip Festival.
Can you tell we are loving the pastels this spring?  
Plus, how amazing tragic is it that Petunia is afraid of flowers?! I
Black-eye free and loving it!

Outfit NameTulip Festival
Petunia's Fashion Rating: 10/10
Earl's Fashion Rating: 10/10


lori June 16, 2012 at 8:31 AM  

oh my gosh, SOOO cute! i love the little hat. that last picture is precious.

About Earl

Earl enjoys "traditional" styles, and prefers a classic, vintage look when dressing up. His everyday wear is best described as "uber casual".

About Petunia

Petunia is a daring dresser who does her best to keep up with all the latest fashion trends. Among her favorite designers are Vintage Couture, Tea Collection, Gymboree, and Zutano.

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