Monday, May 21, 2012

What Ms. Mommy Wore This Weekend

By Earl

Something momentous happened this weekend: I learned how to climb out of my crib. You guys! You have no idea how awesome it is not being confined by wooden bars anymore when Ms. Mommy and Mr. Daddy put me down for a "nap". They've wisely decided to convert my old crib into a swanky new toddler bed. Let me tell you, my sister, Petunia is jealous! It's okay though. During my first nap of freedom I climbed into Petunia's crib to keep her company (and set her toys free- I did not steal them and throw them out of the crib, as she may claim). 
Ahem. Despite all this, Ms. Mommy and two of my wonderful aunties managed to put themselves together and go out shoe shopping. Doesn't Ms. Mommy look fabulous here? She really seems to like wearing this new skirt she ordered from DownEast Basics. It has pockets!
Shirt: Old Navy
Shoes: JellyPop
Necklace: Shabby Apple


barjobo May 21, 2012 at 7:04 PM  

Mommy looks fabulous! I love her haircut. no ratings? mazel tov on setting yourself free!

Closet Fashionista May 22, 2012 at 2:33 PM  

Loving Mommy's outfit!!! And you and your sister are such cuties ;)

20 YORK STREET May 22, 2012 at 8:26 PM  

I love love dresses and skirts with pockets, so practical!

And yes I agree, you look so lovely!


Twenty York Street
Follow me in Twitter: @20YS

Why Girls Are Weird May 29, 2012 at 7:32 AM  

Very cute, love your skirt!

Miki June 14, 2012 at 10:08 PM  

Love your skirt!

About Earl

Earl enjoys "traditional" styles, and prefers a classic, vintage look when dressing up. His everyday wear is best described as "uber casual".

About Petunia

Petunia is a daring dresser who does her best to keep up with all the latest fashion trends. Among her favorite designers are Vintage Couture, Tea Collection, Gymboree, and Zutano.

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